
Suechan's original artworks as well as a plethora of Centaur Links!
Background Art (c) Boris Vallejo

My little centaur in the Sims... being naughty! Get the hose!!!


Centaurs in the Media

Saturday Night Live
Comcast Commercial for Narnia
Other Taur Artists

Boris Vallejo - a famous artist who's known for his fantasy works, some of which include centaurs

Megan Giles - Another Centaur artist who has a great sense of humor as well as lots of talent

Ric Quiroz is a talented artist with lots of Centaur and other taur-ish pictures. Centaurs, Mermaids, Dryders and other fantasy related works. He has a great sense of humor, too.

The Mythology behind Centaurs and various links to Centaur Galleries and Story Archives

Glossary of Centaurs to help clarify between the different types.

Idaho Bob - a well known name in the world of Centaurs. Mailing Lists, images, stories - pretty much anything you could want!

Rhapsody Dolls - Centaur OOAK and custom dolls!

Argon's Centaur Site - Another collection of pictures, stories and links to bring you further into the addiction of centaurs.

The Centaur Compendium - another site filled with information, links, pictures and stories. I can't get enough of these!

Project:Taur - a Fanzine by J. Krolak that comes out about 4 times every year, each issue with a centerfold (woo woo!)

Herd Mentality - another Fanzine put together by Jeff Orr, including all the possible furry combinations of centaurs - not just the mainstream hooved versions.

Equine Beauties - Photo Morphs and art dedicated to beautiful female Centaurs

Lady Lithia's Photo Manipulations (c)1999 Sasheena Anne McLean. Not only Centaur manips, but Angels, Mermaids, Faeries, and a combination of all of the above. So imaginative and professional! She brings these creatures to life!

Magic the Gathering Centaur Cards

Elfwood has guided tours and some focus entirely on Centaurs. This is great to get inspiration, ideas or to find an artist to commission.

Centaur Lovers - a Yahoo Group devoted to centaurs.

Sagittarius the Constellation....the centaur in the heavens!!!

Sue-chan's Homepage